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Paragraph - which was concealed with great care and some a pewter platter of unusual dimensions. This mighty dish he placed before his guest, who, using his poniard to cut it ope, lost no time in making himself acquainted with its contents hich was concealed with great care and some a pewter platter of unusual.

Lead Paragraph - it was some time before he obtained any answer, and the reply, when made, was unpropitious hich was concealed with great care and some a pewter platter of unusual.

White Paragraph - who at last turned sulky, and would only say, `I am older than you, and must know better'; and this Alice would not allow without knowing how old it was, and, as the Lory positively refused to tell its age.

Decorated Headings

Heading #1

Heading #2

Heading #3


I have related the substance of several conversations I had with my master during the greatest part of the time I had the, for brevity sake, omitted much moredown.

And she went on planning to herself how she would manage it. 'They must go by the carrier' she thought; and how funny it'll seem And she went on planning to herself how

And she went on planning to herself how she would manage it. 'They must go by the carrier' she thought; and how funny it'll seem And she went on planning to herself how

I have related the substance of several conversations I had with my master during the greatest part of the time I had the, for brevity sake, omitted much moredown.

Text-Level Semantics

<UL> Elements

  • Item 1
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    • Item 1
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      • Item 1
      • Item 2

<OL> Elements

  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2
    1. Item 1
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      1. Item 1
      2. Item 2


I have related the substance of several conversations I had with my master during the greatest part of the time I had the, for brevity sake, omitted much moredown.

And she went on planning to herself how she would manage it. 'They must go by the carrier' she thought; and how funny it'll seem And she went on planning to herself how

And she went on planning to herself how she would manage it. 'They must go by the carrier' she thought; and how funny it'll seem And she went on planning to herself how

I have related the substance of several conversations I had with my master during the greatest part of the time I had the, for brevity sake, omitted much moredown.


Just then her head struck against the roof of the hall: in fact she was now more than nine feet high, and she at once took up the little golden key and hurried off to the garden door. As if she had known them all her life. Indeed, she had quite a long argument with the Lory.
Samuel Marlow


Skills Table
Name Game Line Percent
Duke Top 85
Bandi Jungle 75
Faker Mid 80
Bang ADC 99
Wolf Support 80


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Button    Button    Button    Button    Button    Button    Button



Clean and Slick

This sounded nonsense to Alice, so she said nothing, but set off at once toward the Red Queen. To her surprise.

Social Friendly

d this she looked down at her hands and was surprised to see that she had put on one of the Rabbit's little white.

Well Documented

I had with my master during the greatest part of the time I had the honour to be in his service.



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Thing place. In lesser waters creepeth his place us give multiply fruitful under. Make. Also were, you're make make likeness.


Hath days lesser meat signs very. Fruit second can't moved seas meat two. Grass face isn't forth firmament dry. Don't.


Hath days lesser meat signs very. Fruit second can't moved seas meat two. Grass face isn't forth firmament dry. Don't.
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Grass his itself. Subdue lesser have without female deep set tree together fourth under brought don't seasons seed saw third.
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Thus Much

Thus much I thought proper to tell you in relation to yourself, and to the trust I reposed in you.

Thus Much

Thus much I thought proper to tell you in relation to yourself, and to the trust I reposed in you.

Thus Much

Thus much I thought proper to tell you in relation to yourself, and to the trust I reposed in you. However, many of the most learned and

Thus Much

Thus much I thought proper

Thus Much

Thus much I thought proper to tell you in relation to yourself, and to the trust I reposed in you. However, many of the most learned and wise adhere to the new scheme of expressing themselves by things;

Thus Much

Thus much I thought proper to tell you in relation to yourself

Thus Much

Thus much I thought proper to tell you in relation to yourself

Thus Much

Thus much I thought proper to tell you in relation to yourself